4 Holiday Fit Tips

It can be hard to stay motivated when you are surrounded by family and friends who are eating, drinking, being merry all day long. After all that indulgence do you really want to go for a run or spend time in the gym? We have some tips on how to keep your fitness routine going through this holiday season- no matter what!


But for many people it’s also a difficult time of year because they’re too busy or tired from all that socializing to exercise. Well rest assured that there are ways you can still stay active during the holiday season without having to go to the gym!

Pure Quality Fitness Holiday Blog

1) Consider making new traditions like playing games with family and friends instead of watching TV. Games like Charades require movement so if you have older relatives who don’t want their kids on electronics this is a great way for them to spend quality time with them!

2) Walk as much as possible. Grab your coats and go for a nice family walk together. When traveling take stairs rather than elevators and use escalators only when necessary. 

3) Turn on you favorite holiday songs and dance! Dancing burns calories and gives the muscles in your legs, abs and lower back a good workout. More importantly, its fun. 

4) ‘Tis the Season for holiday treats! Cookies, pies, cakes and hot chocolate are holiday staples. Sometimes it’s a challenge to completely skip the Christmas cookie with sugar sprinkles. Try making a batch of delicious vegan Christmas cookies this year! However, if you dip your hand in the unhealthy cookie jar, balance out your sugary treats by eating from the fresh fruit and vegetable trays. Add a healthy source of plant protein to your holiday spread with a bowl of mixed nuts like almonds, walnuts or pistachios. 

Have fun trying these these four tips that will help you enjoy your holiday season without sacrificing your healthy habits. Happy Holidays!

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